In a reimagined magical universe, Will Potter, an orphan with extraordinary magical potential, discovers that he is no ordinary boy—he’s the heir to a powerful wizarding lineage. Raised in the bustling streets of modern-day Philadelphia, Will’s life changes forever when he receives a mysterious letter inviting him to Blackwood Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Unlike any other wizarding school, Blackwood blends ancient magic with urban mysticism and offers Will a new sense of belonging.
As Will delves deeper into the magical world, he befriends a diverse group of students, each with their own unique powers and histories. However, Will’s journey is fraught with danger, as a dark force from the magical underground threatens to unleash chaos on both the magical and non-magical worlds. With the help of his friends, Will must master his newfound abilities, confront his past, and embrace his destiny as the world’s most powerful young wizard.